
{ Welcome to Sassy Melon Designs}

>> Feb 28, 2010

Welcome to Sassy Melon Designs!

I hope to bring you designs that are sassy and sweet in pricing!
I spend numerous hours to bring the perfect design that reflects the look you are going for. My designs are fresh, new, and fun!  I go for a more modern and up to date look in my designs, so
that you don't have to worry about your design looking outdated.
If you would like custom blog design (blogger) only.
Check out my design packages and pricing, if you find
a package that works for you just add it to cart.
You will also find a list of other resources on this page where I can purchase graphics you want used in your design. Please keep in mind when I'm doing a blog, header, banner design etc, you are
responsible for the main cost, as well as, any commercial use costs associated with that design.

The commercial use costs ensure that we are following
and adhering to all copyright policies for each designer.
I will stay in contact with you while design is being created, and implemented on your blog or twitter page. I am with you step by step to create a design that you will be proud of. I make numerous changes to ensure you are happy with my finished design.
If you have any questions before purchasing a custom design
of any kind, please send me and email to: sassymelondesigns@gmail.com

:: Contact Me ::

>> Feb 27, 2010

:: Portfolio ::

Portfolio information goes here......
Coming soon................

:: Freebies Section ::

Here you will find commercial use freebies that I've created especially
for my readers. I will try my best to put up at least one new freebie
a week to show my appreciation to my readers.
Hugs, SassyMelon


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